/International Journal of Management and Business Applied

International Journal of Management and Business Applied

International Journal of Management and Business Applied is Peer-reviewed refereed journal aiming at engaging academicians as well as practitioners. Focus on the areas of economics, finance, banking, capital markets, takaful and law. Published in association with the Indonesian Association of Lecturers Researchers in Economics and Business (ADPEBI).  The aim of the Journal is to foster academic research by publishing original research articles that meet the highest analytical standards, and provide new insights that contribute and spread the business and Social Science knowledge.

Review Policy

The journal follows a 2-stage review system which ensures a quality assurance process for academic publication. A manuscript is provided with edit-suggestions at the first stage by an editor before the review process. Once a manuscript is ready in all aspects of AIJB’s requirements, the manuscript is sent out for a double-blind review. The reviewed manuscript is examined by the chief editor and the author is notified of the decision on publication accordingly. The standard process of publication is followed onward this stage.